Positive Muslim News

News about good things Muslims are doing in North America and around the world.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Muslim taxi driver returns $350,000 in diamonds


Haider Sediqi found the brown leather bag as he cleaned the back seat of his taxicab between fares at Los Angeles International Airport. He tossed it up front, didn't give it much thought.

It was his friend, Shafi, who pulled open the zipper and looked inside. "You know what, man," Shafi said, eyes wide. "You've got a million in here."


Sediqi said he never considered swiping even one of the gems, although he admits he could have used the money. He worked until 3 a.m. the day he found the diamonds, and went home with a few hundred dollars in his pockets.

His colleagues in the cab stands joked that he must be crazy. His wife assured him he did the right thing -- and he knows she loves diamonds.

Read the whole article at:


  • At 4:05 AM, Blogger B said…

    Feel so proud to be muslim :D


  • At 7:25 PM, Blogger B said…

    did u also know of another similar but different story from August, which again had a cab driver and diamonds http://www.nydailynews.com/news/local/story/334600p-285893c.html

  • At 6:34 PM, Blogger Samana Siddiqui said…


    No this is a different story. But I will Insha Allah post yours as well. Thank you for the link.

  • At 1:46 AM, Blogger B said…


    thanks , yea thats what i meant , a different story but so similar


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