Positive Muslim News

News about good things Muslims are doing in North America and around the world.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Former US President recognizes work of Chicago Muslim community organization


(This is from the latest issue of the Inner-City Muslim Action Network's newsletter. For more details, please check out their website at www.imancentral.org).

In his most recent book GIVING: How Each of Us Can Change the World, former US President Bill Clinton references the Inner-City Muslim Action Network, IMAN, as a shining example of American Muslim organizations that reflect the Muslim ideals of Zaqat and Sadaqah, the Arabic words for charity or voluntary giving.
Released in the FALL of 2007,GIVING highlights the stories of exceptional organizations and people who are dedicated to citizen and corporate activism. Through these stories, Clinton argues that offering time, ideas and skills are just as important as offering money, and yet still save lives and solve global problems.