The Muslims we don't see on TV
S ANLIURFA, TURKEY — An incident occurred during our tour of Turkey with a group of 15 Mississippians on a trip sponsored by the Institute for Interfaith Dialog that I feel I must relate to others.
While we were at the village of Harran, where Abraham lived for a time (Genesis 11:31), we were served an Arab coffee called mirra. The batch from which my husband, Bob, and one other member of the group were served must have been contaminated with bacteria.
By the time we returned to Urfa, as this city is more commonly called, Bob was very ill.
The Imam said that he had to be gone for 30 minutes, but would check on us again. This time, he asked my permission to go into the room with Bob. He looked at him and bowed his head again and prayed. Crying, I now realized that he and I were praying to the same God for the same thing. I have never been so moved spiritually.
These are not the Muslims we see on television.
After meeting all the wonderful people in Turkey, I want to help others to understand that the terrorists of 9-11 identified themselves as Muslims, but they do not represent Islam any more than many people who call themselves Christians the teachings of Jesus.
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S ANLIURFA, TURKEY — An incident occurred during our tour of Turkey with a group of 15 Mississippians on a trip sponsored by the Institute for Interfaith Dialog that I feel I must relate to others.
While we were at the village of Harran, where Abraham lived for a time (Genesis 11:31), we were served an Arab coffee called mirra. The batch from which my husband, Bob, and one other member of the group were served must have been contaminated with bacteria.
By the time we returned to Urfa, as this city is more commonly called, Bob was very ill.
The Imam said that he had to be gone for 30 minutes, but would check on us again. This time, he asked my permission to go into the room with Bob. He looked at him and bowed his head again and prayed. Crying, I now realized that he and I were praying to the same God for the same thing. I have never been so moved spiritually.
These are not the Muslims we see on television.
After meeting all the wonderful people in Turkey, I want to help others to understand that the terrorists of 9-11 identified themselves as Muslims, but they do not represent Islam any more than many people who call themselves Christians the teachings of Jesus.
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